Originally relased in 2009 on Little Furry Things as a free download.
Format: 192 kbps MP3
License: Unknown
A mammoth compilation of 100 sound artists covering Phish's mythic Gamehenge album!! This massive collection of new artists offers a refreshing vantage point from which to consider Phish's psychedelic music tradition and to shed light on possible future avenues. The point of this release is to breathe new, forceful vision into this modern piece of Americana mythology. 82 minutes of full color sound!!!
art by Miruki Tusko / Yannick Val Gesto - www.mirukitusko.tk
featuring (in order)...
william rowler collins , a minority of one, robe., eat cloud, powdered wigs, robe., core of the coalman, milch of source, GDFX, flying squirrel, avi bear, gangi, jinbaobabtuner, faith/lightspeed, cameron wisch, the questionmarks, karl blau, padna, capitol k, whitman, keepbullfighting , struktur, kixly, color rabbit, liek twi, christian science minotaur, onna curry, say no to architecture, magic pencil, alstair crosbie, saber khan, universal studios florida, goodwillies, leo, teeth mountain, powerpillfist, willson, larkin grimm and movie, hirth, monkeyking, hirth, anna laplantine, strawberry bones, holzkopf, blue sabbath black fiji, verdun, catfish rivers, cowford mind destruction, truckasauras, pjtr kaufmann, ryan garbes, happiness is here to stay, video hippos, shitmat, manburger surgical, 1234567890, radioshock, tunnels, teenage souls, tetrix, good journey, gangpol and mit, c. diehl, arklight, king crab, yellow crystal star, woman year, ice cream creatures, loplop, bad orb, alex ookpik, pdl, yellow weekend, shelf da muzik, jason kocol, some weird sin, towering heroic dudes, yonderverse, rad wolf, fyoelk, bertuf, RINGS, the puddle parade, rivers, spermwhales, antique brothers, quincy quartz, the lava children, sparagmos, spinach, mit nye band, scissor shock, nullkommajosefh, sailor winters, sean reardon, mother33, satanicporncultshop, semiconductors, ali usurper, ra'shkatan, fake krishnas, mezcup
What is Gamehendge? Gamehendge (also known as The Man Who Stepped Into Yesterday) was originally written and recorded by Trey Anastasio, the main songwriter for Phish, for his senior thesis at Goddard College between '87 and '88. It is a nine-song concept album about other planets, lizard people, and the like. It basically sounds like wacky jam music peppered with spoken narrative. There has never been a studio recording made of Gamehendge. Phish has only performed Gamehendge live five times (1988, 1991, 1993, and twice in 1994) a fact which, considering that they have performed thousands of shows, has pushed this work to mythical heights...
for a breakdown of plot and characters check out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamehenge